Low maintenance shrubs are a great addition to any landscape. They don’t take up a lot of space and they don’t require a ton of upkeep, if any at all. The truth is that landscaping with low maintenance shrubs can be very rewarding. Here are a few of the perks ...
How Long Do Annual Flowers Last?
Annuals are flowers that come up each year and stay for just one growing season. Most of these flowers are perennials, but there are some annual flowers that bloom for three or four years. A lot depends on how your landscape and soil are set up. Annuals don’t last as ...
How Tall Should Shrubs Be in Front of House?
If you have a front yard, you have to think about the possible height of your shrubs. There are plants that grow well in taller spaces such as fences and trellises. On the other hand, there are many shrubs that will do equally well in an evergreen landscape flower garden. ...
What Are the 7 Principles of Landscape Architecture?
The 7 principles of landscape architecture. These are a simple set of rules that will guide your designing activities from planting to maintenance. Landscaping can be a rewarding activity, especially when you are planning and designing a garden or lawn for your house. It can be easy to get carried ...
What Flower Blooms the Longest?
It’s a question often asked by gardeners new to flower gardening, but it can’t be answered without first defining what the flower blooms. In basic terms, a flower is said to bloom when it has either produced or will produce some new flowers. Flowers are of course available in all ...
What is the Best Way to Keep Weeds Out of Flower Beds?
You will find that there are several different ways. Some ways are more effective than others. A good landscape designer can use several different methods for weed control. In this article you will learn about some ways that designers have been using for years and why. What is the best ...
How Do Outdoor Flowers Grow For Beginners?
One of the most gratifying experiences one can have is watching a flower garden flourish. Not just any flower garden, but a flower garden that blossoms and grows all year long in the outdoors. It does not matter if you live in the city or in the country, an outdoor ...
Why Does Portulaca Flowers Close At Night?
Many gardeners have seen the beautiful flowers of the morning sun, but many are surprised to learn that the same flowers, which bloom beautifully in the morning hours, also bloom beautifully at night. Portulaca flowers are one of the many landscape flowers that are able to handle both conditions. If ...
What is the Best Time of Year to Plant Perennials?
Perennial plants offer many benefits to your landscape garden, but it can be a confusing task choosing which ones to plant, when to plant them, and how to care for them. The truth is that there are as many different species of perennial flowers as there are types of plants. ...
How Do You Grow Beautiful Flowers For Your Landscape?
What are landscape flowers and why are they so beautiful? It may sound a little strange, but in fact they have a lot to recommend them. Landscape flowers can be seen everywhere in parks, on the lawns of busy neighborhoods, in gardens all over town, and more. These plants range ...