If you are planning on landscaping with flowers in low light, it is important to find the best outdoor flower landscape colors that will complement your low light planting idea. It is possible to do a wonderful job of accentuating your flower landscape with low sun arrangements using many different color schemes. But, if you plan to use a lot of color and use it excessively, this can actually take away from the rest of your flower landscape. Here are some things to consider when planting with low-light plants.
Color of the flower must be closely tied to the color of the surrounding area. For instance, a white flower is not going to look as attractive in a garden full of deep blues and purples. It is always advisable to choose the colors of your flower arrangement such as the backdrop and the color of the rock that is used to frame the specimen. When choosing the color of the flower, also think about the tone that you want to convey with your flower planting. For example, a deep blue pond would not be the most suitable backdrop for pink roses. Similarly, a very pale blue lawn would not add a lot to the overall look of a flowerbed.
Color scheme for a flower landscape with low sun requirements should always include a touch of yellow. Yellow will bring out the color of the whole flower landscape and will make it stand out in a crowd. It also makes it easier to keep track of your plants, if you have a large amount of these types of flowers.
It is best to plant plants that are in season. This means that they should be planted about two to three weeks prior to the start of your summer season. Be sure to plant them a bit deeper than you would normally plant them. As with most seasonal plants, it is best to dig them up just before the frosts hit. Digging them up too soon will mean that they will die and be unable to survive the frosts.
The best outdoor flowers for low sun conditions are those that are in season and can also thrive even in poor, low lighting situations. There are several plants that can tolerate both hot and cold weather. These include many annuals, perennials, shrubs, and grasses. Be sure that the flowers you select are not sensitive to either high or low temperatures.
When selecting the flowers for your blooms, don’t forget to consider the color of your containers. Most flower gardens have white pots, which are more traditional. However, black, red, and pink pots can also be used. Also keep in mind the texture of the pot and whether it will retain moisture. Some pots retain water better than others. Choose a pot that has drainage holes or have one installed.
You may also want to use a favorite plant for your display. Do this if you have at least two or three plants that are in the same family or could be considered an offspring. Sometimes the best way to bring a plant from a different climate to your area is to move it there temporarily. For example, if you plan to move your red peppers from Florida to Georgia, do not plant them right away in your garden. Plant them in a plastic container in your refrigerator for a few days until the peppers start to bloom. Then plant them in your garden with good soil and a little fertilizer.
The best outdoor flowers for low sunlight are ones that are in season and can survive even in low light environments. If you are looking for plants that will go into a climate where they will need to stay under the lights, consider early blooming annuals, perennials, and shrubs. Be sure to plant these in pots, not directly into the garden. Pots will retain the moisture better. And be sure to water deeply, so they will not die after just a few days of being in the ground.