A question I get asked a lot is can goldfish live in a pond without a pump? Goldfish love to drink and swim and they need clean, oxygenated water in order to survive. So, is there no way for the pond to keep them healthy and growing without one of these? The answer depends on the kind of fish you have and the kind of environment you have in your yard as well.
If your pond has not been established from scratch and there are plants already in the water, then there may be problems with the quality of your water. Your local water treatment facility should be able to test the pH, nutrient levels etc. of your pond water. It is best to treat your pond water on a regular basis with a commercial product called Pondmaster. They have products specially formulated for ponds containing both plants and fish.
In order to keep the pond growing with plants and fish, there are other things that you will need to do besides adding fish. Adding fish is good, but if you have not had a large enough pond to begin with, then you will need to add more plants. This is where pumps come in handy. The bigger your pond, the better your chances are of having a nice clean and oxygenated water supply. Without a pump to move the water around, the oxygen supply will die.
There are two basic kinds of pond pumps available: manual and automatic. Manual pumps are used on a smaller scale and can be run manually, but they do require a fair amount of work. On the other hand, automatic pumps are much more powerful and so are more efficient when it comes to the way they move the water around your garden pond. However, if you plan to raise a lot of fish (more than a few fish), then you might consider getting an automatic pump. It is also more expensive than a manual pump.
Now back to the original question, can goldfish live in a pond without a pump? If you want to raise a lot of fish, then you will probably need a pump. However, most people who are just starting out with fish and plants in their pond are content with manual pumps.
To avoid your fish from going into the water too quickly, you will also need to change the water regularly. Make sure that you always test the water at least once a week to make sure that none of the dissolved solids like nitrate or ammonia are getting stuck in the pipes. You should also pay close attention to the conditions under the water, because this could be dangerous for your fish. Check the pH levels and see if there are any abnormalities. You should also take care of water quality by checking the water for sanitary issues at least once a week or as soon as you suspect that there might be a problem.
In addition, check the filters of your pond on a regular basis to make sure that they are working properly. A lot of times, farmers who grow fish in ponds often use “live rock” filters. If you are not familiar with these filters, they usually include some sort of filter media that the water goes through to keep the particles in the water from getting stuck in the filters. It is important to make sure that these filters are doing their job.
Finally, you will also need to put some type of cover over your pond. This can be a canopy or a net. This is important, especially if your pond is not big. Fish do not like being outside of the shade. They can often end up with dead bodies if they are not protected enough.