When you want to garden but aren’t quite sure what plants are good for landscaping, keep in mind that this can be a difficult task. Depending on the purpose, some types of plants for landscaping are better than others. The simplest plants for landscaping include grasses, such as common grass and fescue. Some types of grass are cultivated in many parts of the world and can provide a great landscape. You’ll also find alfalfa and wild oats.
Summer or common herb is another popular plant for landscaping. These will be best when combined with hardy flowers, such as lemon balm, but can be grown as a standalone garden. Mint is also a popular summer herb. While mint can take over an entire yard, it is less common in landscapes.
Winter greenery is useful to add to any garden during the winter months, especially if they are native to your area. Pumpkin, hay bales, woodchips, and stones can all be planted as winter greenery.
And of course, there are the perennials that are grown year-round, such as thyme, as well as those that will die back during the winter months. Ferns, as well as prickly pears, Rosemary, and sage are popular spring and summer perennials. Annuals, such as asters, daisies, and begonias, may also survive the winter months.
Bougainvillea has become a popular landscaping plant in recent years. Its beautiful flowers are just the right size and shape to go perfectly along with the surrounding landscape. However, there are some homeowners who may not feel comfortable having a bougainvillea planted near their home. Many people claim to be very allergicto bougainvillea, but if your home is too far away from the bougainvillea, there are other plants for landscaping that are safe.
Another one of the favorites in landscaping circles is the Chinese Evergreen. These are excellent at providing shade to any area where they are planted. These plants are quite eye-catching and add a great deal to the look of your landscape.
Some of the most popular landscape plants for landscaping are orchids, because of their popularity and ability to thrive in almost any type of climate. The genus Orchid is actually divided into two groups – Umbelliferae and Curcubiales. Umbelliferae are tropical plants that are only found in South Asia, while Curcubiales are European species.
Bougainvillea is one of the most famous orchids and it is also one of the most well-known plants for landscaping. This is due to its evergreen form, which is perfect for most areas. It doesn’t need much maintenance to keep it looking fresh.
Other popular plants for landscaping include bougainvillea, sunflowers, and desert roses. These plants are an excellent choice for landscapes because they are hardy and easy to grow. They don’t require a lot of attention, just to water.
Plants like ivy, lemongrass, and sunflowers can be used as a stand alone plant. These plants may seem like more of a garden accessory, but they do add a great deal to the look of your landscaping. The main benefit of these plants is that they can provide shade when needed.
Remember, common sense should always be employed when it comes to plants for landscaping. Check with your local nursery for proper growing instructions.